Like two peas in a pod. Office Furniture that work together

Some things are simply made for each other, like two peas in a pod there are pieces that work together to create the perfect office environment. Whether you are looking to design an intimate and private space, an open and flexible area within the workplace or a home office, you will need the perfect set of office furniture to create beautiful and transformative spaces.

From calming to energetic, collaborative to focus work, social spaces within the office are designed to create a welcoming space that is relaxing and inviting to encourage learning, personal development, and social engagement.

From all the social spaces, the lobby is the most important area within the office. The reception area of any business becomes the first impression your guests and future customers will have of your company or organization. For your employees it will become a place of collaboration, the correct design will create a sense of belonging among staff. The reception area is a key element when presenting the strengths of your brand, the message presented through design must tie in with your brand.

Office Furniture for Lobby and Community Spaces

Intimate seating with privacy elements that don’t impede daylight create a welcoming environment and clear sight lines. Comfortable furnishings, inviting materials, and a modern design enhance the user experience. A flexible, modular bookcase provides space delineation while offering functionality for display of artifacts that convey culture and brand.

Social spaces create community while supporting people in focus and collaborative work, as well as restorative activities. These social spaces can have an important impact on reasons why people come to the office, with today’s connectivity we can work from anywhere, but we miss the interaction with teams and conversations face-to face with co-workers.

These dynamic workspaces also help fuel the creative process, community or social spaces can be used to meet with others providing access to each other in a different atmosphere that enhances connection and fosters a sense of belonging.

An open, flexible area encourages multiple postures for work or restorative activities, together or alone. Pendant lighting provides a focal point and differentiates areas within the space. Versatility is further enhanced by side tables that are light and easy to maneuver so people can work almost anywhere. Mix the Cabana Lounge by Haworth and Bong side table by Haworth to include versatility within any office space.

Office Furniture for Home and Private Office

When given the choice, people are drawn to the places that make them feel the best and most productive. After spending an entire year working from home and remotely, we are well acquainted with our private workplace. The home office will support activities like focus work, reading, scheduled calls, and virtual meetings.

When designing a home or private office consider what the space has to offer and how it will be used. Once you know the size of the area to be used as an office and how much time will you spend there. Then you must decide what elements are needed to support all the activities performed at home.

Design a Home Office to enhance concentration and minimize distractions with a worksurface orientated toward the wall. Choice of seating and height-adjustable table support posture changes and movement. Collaboration is enabled by a glass markerboard, table, and guest chair. Access to daylight and views increases happiness.

A more traditional workspace is the private office, although the workplace is mainly thought as a space where focused work is done a range of work styles can be found here. Workers need support for multitasking, sharing information, and collaboration, making the private office a messy place within the office. A private office centered in the user giving them more control over their own workspace will improve productivity, giving workers more control can enhance satisfaction within the office. While most people crave connections within the office, they also require space and time of uninterrupted work.

Ergonomic seating and choice in worksurfaces support posture changes and movement. User control is enabled by ability for focus work at the desk, or informal interactions away from the workstation. Access to daylight and views increases happiness. Combine Lotus office chair and masters series workspaces by Haworth to create the perfect combination of independent work and collaboration.

Plan the private office in zones to minimize distractions and invite collaboration: for conversation place a social space by the door, collaboration farther inside and concentrated work must be the farthest from the door.




Cabana Lounge



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1111 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0S8
T. 204.949.7680

Co-working multi-functional workspace